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The Great Depression in America: A Cultural Encyclopedia
By William H. Young, Nancy K. Young
Published by Greenwood Publishing Group, 2007
ISBN 0313335206, 9780313335204
668 pages
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The Great Depresion in America
The Great Depression in America: A Cultural Encyclopedia
By William H. Young, Nancy K. Young
Published by Greenwood Publishing Group, 2007
ISBN 0313335206, 9780313335204
668 pages
Top Ten Rankings
By PaulTimmons
Since the last 2 of my posts were entirely about Internet Marketers and what I don’t like about some of them, I feel I owe my readers some SEO advice. Because this is an important aspect of seoreef.com, to give good SEO advice to people who need it.
On today’s special, I am going to talk about how to get a top 10 ranking in 48 or even 24 hours using Digg. Don’t get me wrong, I am not talking about difficult keywords. But that doesn’t mean that some of the long tailed keywords can’t bring you traffic. As a matter of fact, if you have a lot of long tailed keywords into top 10, you will have a steady source of traffic each day. It is advisable that you apply this strategy each day or it least once every other day, especially for your important websites.
No matter what your niche is, you are bound to find some keywords that are easy to dominate and will provide you with some traffic. For the sake of argument, I am going to give an example in the Dish Network niche. The keyword we are looking for is ideally 3, 4 or 5 words long – yes, this does work for some of the non-competitive 3 words long keywords.
We go to Keyword Discovery, which is my favorite keyword research tool, and type in “Dish Network”. If you are not a Keyword Discovery subscriber, you can use the free version here, although it doesn’t have as many features. Just for this strategy, you can use the free version, because this will not be a very extensive keyword research. If you are planning on building a website, it is better if you have the full version though.
Ok, let’s move on. Ideally, you want to target a keyword with less than 1,000 allintitle competition. You will soon understand what I mean by that. Now let’s take a look at the first four keywords and their search volume.
dish network 190530
dish network receiver 4472
dish network satellite 3800
dish network internet 3711
Of course, we can’t dream of touching the “dish network” keyword, this must be done with a preferably aged domain with a lot of authority. Let’s look at the following keywords though and establish the competition. In Google, type “allintitle:dish network receiver” in the query box. We get 11,500 results. Way too much. Let’s go on. Allintitle for “dish network satellite” is 261,000. Haha, no way. Let’s try “dish network internet”. We get 2,310 results. We may be on to something, so let’s dig deeper into this keyword. After typing this keyword into Keyword Discovery, we get as the most important results the following:
dish network internet 3711
dish network high speed internet 878
dish network satellite internet 870
dish network internet service 776
dish network satellite internet pole installation 488
dish network satellite internet service 219
Now let’s check the allintitle competition for “dish network high speed internet”. It is just 311! We have just found our golden nugget. Reasonably high searched for term, little competition. What is even better is that we can probably rank in top 10 for some of the other keywords also.
Results 1 - 10 of about 497 for allintitle:dish network satellite internet – very good;
Results 1 - 10 of about 302 for allintitle:dish network internet service – very good;
Your search - allintitle:dish network satellite internet pole installation - did not match any documents – not that good and I’ll tell you why in a second;
Results 1 - 10 of about 46 for allintitle:dish network satellite internet service – very good.
Now, keyword research is not over. As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, it is better if you don’t rely on a single keyword research tool. The probability that a keyword is indeed searched for is way higher if the respective keyword can be found in more than a keyword research tool’s database. So we go to Wordtracker. The story with the paid version vs. the free version is the same as with Keyword Discovery’s, so I will not insist on that.
Let’s type “dish network internet” into Wordtracker. We get the following as the most important results:
200 dish network internet
23 dish network satellite internet
22 dish network high speed internet
15 dish network internet service
7 dish network internet access
7 satellite internet dish network
It seems that the results from the 2 keyword research tools are reciprocal – well, almost – and that’s very good. We have 3 certain winners here:
dish network high speed internet
dish network satellite internet
dish network internet service
However, we can rule out “dish network satellite internet pole installation”. Since Wordtracker doesn’t record it, it must have been just a temporary search trend. It could have been a webmaster searching for his rankings or a number of other different things. The fact that the keyword is not really important is also shown by the fact that we got 0 competition for the allintitle query. This concludes keyword research, so let’s move on to step 2.
You are now going to create the article, which must have the following characteristics:
- it should be high quality, because you want your visitors to like and to digg it;
- it should incorporate the keyword(s) you are looking for in the body.
However, there’s one more very important thing to do before submitting the article. You should come up with a proper title tag, because the title tag together with the high authority backlink from Digg is what is going to make your page rank high. Ideally, the title tag for this page should be something like:
“Find out everything about the Dish Network satellite high speed Internet service”.
With this title tag, you incorporate all the 3 keywords we decided to rank for.
All that is left for you to do is to submit your article to Digg. However, there is one final catch. Your Digg profile must be a relatively strong one. You need to have 100-150 friends, or somewhere along those lines. Of course, it might work even if you have fewer or more friends than that, but bottom line is that you need to get involved. Digg other people’s stuff, and they will digg yours in return. Be a part of the community and don’t spam. You want to get at least 10 diggs, because this way your backlink will have more authority. So, take the time to create a powerful Digg profile.
Once you submit your article, you should be able to see results in 48 hours or even less. You will notice that the Digg submission itself will rank maybe even higher than your website at first, but that’s only going to last for a few days. After that, your ranking will stick, while the Digg submission will probably disappear way lower.
I hope you enjoyed this little secret of mine, now get to work!
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Since the last 2 of my posts were entirely about Internet Marketers and what I don’t like about some of them, I feel I owe my readers some SEO advice. Because this is an important aspect of seoreef.com, to give good SEO advice to people who need it.
On today’s special, I am going to talk about how to get a top 10 ranking in 48 or even 24 hours using Digg. Don’t get me wrong, I am not talking about difficult keywords. But that doesn’t mean that some of the long tailed keywords can’t bring you traffic. As a matter of fact, if you have a lot of long tailed keywords into top 10, you will have a steady source of traffic each day. It is advisable that you apply this strategy each day or it least once every other day, especially for your important websites.
No matter what your niche is, you are bound to find some keywords that are easy to dominate and will provide you with some traffic. For the sake of argument, I am going to give an example in the Dish Network niche. The keyword we are looking for is ideally 3, 4 or 5 words long – yes, this does work for some of the non-competitive 3 words long keywords.
We go to Keyword Discovery, which is my favorite keyword research tool, and type in “Dish Network”. If you are not a Keyword Discovery subscriber, you can use the free version here, although it doesn’t have as many features. Just for this strategy, you can use the free version, because this will not be a very extensive keyword research. If you are planning on building a website, it is better if you have the full version though.
Ok, let’s move on. Ideally, you want to target a keyword with less than 1,000 allintitle competition. You will soon understand what I mean by that. Now let’s take a look at the first four keywords and their search volume.
dish network 190530
dish network receiver 4472
dish network satellite 3800
dish network internet 3711
Of course, we can’t dream of touching the “dish network” keyword, this must be done with a preferably aged domain with a lot of authority. Let’s look at the following keywords though and establish the competition. In Google, type “allintitle:dish network receiver” in the query box. We get 11,500 results. Way too much. Let’s go on. Allintitle for “dish network satellite” is 261,000. Haha, no way. Let’s try “dish network internet”. We get 2,310 results. We may be on to something, so let’s dig deeper into this keyword. After typing this keyword into Keyword Discovery, we get as the most important results the following:
dish network internet 3711
dish network high speed internet 878
dish network satellite internet 870
dish network internet service 776
dish network satellite internet pole installation 488
dish network satellite internet service 219
Now let’s check the allintitle competition for “dish network high speed internet”. It is just 311! We have just found our golden nugget. Reasonably high searched for term, little competition. What is even better is that we can probably rank in top 10 for some of the other keywords also.
Results 1 - 10 of about 497 for allintitle:dish network satellite internet – very good;
Results 1 - 10 of about 302 for allintitle:dish network internet service – very good;
Your search - allintitle:dish network satellite internet pole installation - did not match any documents – not that good and I’ll tell you why in a second;
Results 1 - 10 of about 46 for allintitle:dish network satellite internet service – very good.
Now, keyword research is not over. As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, it is better if you don’t rely on a single keyword research tool. The probability that a keyword is indeed searched for is way higher if the respective keyword can be found in more than a keyword research tool’s database. So we go to Wordtracker. The story with the paid version vs. the free version is the same as with Keyword Discovery’s, so I will not insist on that.
Let’s type “dish network internet” into Wordtracker. We get the following as the most important results:
200 dish network internet
23 dish network satellite internet
22 dish network high speed internet
15 dish network internet service
7 dish network internet access
7 satellite internet dish network
It seems that the results from the 2 keyword research tools are reciprocal – well, almost – and that’s very good. We have 3 certain winners here:
dish network high speed internet
dish network satellite internet
dish network internet service
However, we can rule out “dish network satellite internet pole installation”. Since Wordtracker doesn’t record it, it must have been just a temporary search trend. It could have been a webmaster searching for his rankings or a number of other different things. The fact that the keyword is not really important is also shown by the fact that we got 0 competition for the allintitle query. This concludes keyword research, so let’s move on to step 2.
You are now going to create the article, which must have the following characteristics:
- it should be high quality, because you want your visitors to like and to digg it;
- it should incorporate the keyword(s) you are looking for in the body.
However, there’s one more very important thing to do before submitting the article. You should come up with a proper title tag, because the title tag together with the high authority backlink from Digg is what is going to make your page rank high. Ideally, the title tag for this page should be something like:
“Find out everything about the Dish Network satellite high speed Internet service”.
With this title tag, you incorporate all the 3 keywords we decided to rank for.
All that is left for you to do is to submit your article to Digg. However, there is one final catch. Your Digg profile must be a relatively strong one. You need to have 100-150 friends, or somewhere along those lines. Of course, it might work even if you have fewer or more friends than that, but bottom line is that you need to get involved. Digg other people’s stuff, and they will digg yours in return. Be a part of the community and don’t spam. You want to get at least 10 diggs, because this way your backlink will have more authority. So, take the time to create a powerful Digg profile.
Once you submit your article, you should be able to see results in 48 hours or even less. You will notice that the Digg submission itself will rank maybe even higher than your website at first, but that’s only going to last for a few days. After that, your ranking will stick, while the Digg submission will probably disappear way lower.
I hope you enjoyed this little secret of mine, now get to work!
How to Make Easy Money For Exconvicts
Look if you are an ex-convict, then most likely you have a hard time finding a job because they're going to do a background check on you and they would most likely discriminate against your criminal background.
Besides, who wants to work at Wal-Mart or whatever anyways? $10 bucks an hour? No thanks. Use the Internet to make some easy money, because it's very possible.
Because there are thousands of people -- regular average Joe, the Trucker down the street and high school drop outs like me -- are raking in some easy cash on the Internet.
And you know what the best part is? Nobody gives a darn if you have a criminal background or not because the Internet is like the wild wild West. There is plenty of money to be made for everyone, as long as you commit yourself to doing it.
So what's a good way for ex-convicts to make some easy money on the Internet? You can start selling stuff on eBay. What you want to do is buy cheap stuff from China and then sell it back for profit. This is called Geo-arbitrage and it is the best.And no, if you're doing this small time, you don't need no stupid business license or whatever. Just call up those Chinese companies and they will import the product for you without a hassle.You should definitely learn how to start making money on the Internet today instead of waiting, because the government is going to come out with some stupid law that is going to stop average people like you and me from making money on the Internet.
Who else wants to make $2000 a month at home during their spare time -- without investing any money up front, without getting scammed, without having a website. I'll show you how, step by step. click here
for my Newbie Income $2500 manual, yours for free, of course :)'ve been making a full time income on from home since 2006 but ... don't laugh when I tell you this: I'm not an expert! I'm a nobody. But nobodys can still make a very decent income fro the Internet. To find out how I did it, click on How to make easy money for ex-convicts
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Besides, who wants to work at Wal-Mart or whatever anyways? $10 bucks an hour? No thanks. Use the Internet to make some easy money, because it's very possible.
Because there are thousands of people -- regular average Joe, the Trucker down the street and high school drop outs like me -- are raking in some easy cash on the Internet.
And you know what the best part is? Nobody gives a darn if you have a criminal background or not because the Internet is like the wild wild West. There is plenty of money to be made for everyone, as long as you commit yourself to doing it.
So what's a good way for ex-convicts to make some easy money on the Internet? You can start selling stuff on eBay. What you want to do is buy cheap stuff from China and then sell it back for profit. This is called Geo-arbitrage and it is the best.And no, if you're doing this small time, you don't need no stupid business license or whatever. Just call up those Chinese companies and they will import the product for you without a hassle.You should definitely learn how to start making money on the Internet today instead of waiting, because the government is going to come out with some stupid law that is going to stop average people like you and me from making money on the Internet.
Who else wants to make $2000 a month at home during their spare time -- without investing any money up front, without getting scammed, without having a website. I'll show you how, step by step. click here
for my Newbie Income $2500 manual, yours for free, of course :)'ve been making a full time income on from home since 2006 but ... don't laugh when I tell you this: I'm not an expert! I'm a nobody. But nobodys can still make a very decent income fro the Internet. To find out how I did it, click on How to make easy money for ex-convicts
Market Business Money
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Investments Global Investing Internet Marketing Income Today
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