Baby ...oh my baby
Congratulation , you have come to a mother now
Feel run down effect of its process of him when you candle your baby for the first time.
Generally after bearing body weight you not yet can be normal like pregnancy 4 - 5 months, doctor suggestion can go down [about/around] 5 - 10 pond during 3 until 6 months
Requirement for mother after bearing is 2500-2800 calorie , fulfill requirement of calorie by chosening food of low fat and many protein.. You can be active of sport for example jogging
After business with your baby , You can start to pamper x'self by doing positive things for example road;street house exit walke in mall,
coming in contact with friend, both with one who is loved.
Mirroring ahead of glass , check body,hair
if/when natural hair moult, can start to get a haircut or go to doctor for consultancy,
But you remind at x'self for the komitmen of its moment like with friends and ownself.
Your Baby an moment after delivering birth….
v Eye not yet focused but have learnt to recognize face in short distance
v By insting can open its mouth toward your bosom [of] milk moment will and have been able to suck mother milk water better , this is single the way of to eat
v in period 24 hour sleep till 17 hour
v weeping to mean to require something for example touched by mother,want to mother milk water
v requiring attention every 2 hour,not to earn quit of drink milk in spanning time 3 or 4 hour
A period of/to month;moon to 3 pasca bear,
you earn love make with husband . Remember love make can quicken process cure of appliance reproduce after bearing.
Besides that correlating seks also represent effective activity to burn calorie.
providing time to correlate intimate after baby sleep so that concentration you can and rileks with husband .
Make happy your couple
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