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Fitness Plans

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  • Fitness Plan - Getting Started!

    Exercise is good for you in many different ways. It can help you maintain a healthy weight and boost your overall energy level. Regular exercise decreases stress and anxiety, and helps improve your mood.

    Exercise can and should be fun. This guide includes three worksheets to help you figure out what motivates you to exervise, which types of activities you’ll enjoy most, and how to fit them into your life.
    If someone has to stay in bed for a while, all of the changes that typically occur with age happen within a very short period of time, even if the person is young. These changes include:
    *Shift in the ratio of body fat and muscle mass, in favor of fat.
    *Drop in aerobic capacity
    *Rise in blood cholesterol
    *Increased tendency to develop dangerous blood clots
    *Calcium loss from the bones
    *Decreased ability to control blood sugar
    These same things also happened to the astronauts I used to work with when they were subjected to the weightless environment of space.
    Fortunately, these effects can be halted -- and reversed -- at ANY AGE through a good fitness plan and diet.
    William J. Evans, PhD, director of the Nutrition, Metabolism and Exercise Laboratory at the University of Arkansass for Medical Sciences coauthored "Biomarkers: The 10 Keys to Prolonging Vitality"
    In it he says through a good exercise fitness plan and sound nutrition you can alter your body's aging process by changing 10 key aspects of good health. He calls these factors biomarkers.

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