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About Dating

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  • The large problem when you e-mail a woman you have to show yourself as a psychologist. How are you expected to do this? Quite Simple. You have to make a little prediction that comes out to be true. Firstly you have to read the woman's advertisement and collect all the important information you have.
    Try to realize what is the real motivation for her to post an advertisement. It may be declared directly - than it is useless for you to mention it. If she doesn't say it clear, then go for it - she will be pleased to hear that someone understands her.
    You can guess that the woman is likely already bored of ads, revealing about heights, weight and eye colour. Say that you will not bother her with trivial facts. Promise to send her a photo instead in some of your following correspondence.
    Of course - do it if she replies. If you manage to make such a working prediction, this will assure the lady that the gap between your ears is not filled with air. You know, even if you are not quite right, she might reply to tell where you are wrong. This is also a topic for conversation. Use it. Be humorous!
    Showing some sense of humour - well, something that is tricky to accomplish sometimes. What I can say is JOKE WITH YOURSELF, NOT WITH HER! REMEMBER THAT! Do not use any of the info that she gives as a substance for jokes!
    It may work, but it is more likely that you frighten the lady off. Try to get her point of view - she will say "Who the hell is he to speak like that?!" At the same time, you can always laugh from the way you look. Use phrases like "It could be much worse" or "I do not cover the mirrors with
    Sheets at my place" when chatting about your look.
    It is a basic thing to prove that you like yourself. If you don't, well... this is a little bit far from the theme of this article, but do an effort not to show it (and continually work to amend this). It is a basic statement that you have first to respect and adore the person that you see in the mirror in order the others to respect and adore you. Back to humour -keep the lines that are supposed to make her laugh unexpected and brief.
    Telling lengthy stories with a funny end is not a really good idea - the end might not be that amusing and the whole impression might be in vain. Coming up with a humorous line at the moment of writing an e-mail is not always achievable. It is a clever idea always to keep your ears open for witty things, quotes, etc. Note them down the minute you hear them, or when they come to your mind.

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