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If love is in the air.....

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  • There are many things that can get wrong or from bad to worse in a relationship... it is depressing how many couples split-up because of stupid reasons. If you have the slightest feeling that your relationship is in jeopardy or if you inquire what went wrong in ex-relationships, take a look at the list below.If love is in the air, every day would be a celebration of your relationship. Even a ride in the park on rollers can be fun, or going to a movie, exhibition, disco, party. Before doing anything that can affect your relationship, meditate a bit. Is it worth doing it and ending up alone? If you feel lonely and tired of going out on dates which never seem to go anywhere, online dating might just be the solution for you. Try it out free at
    (Mon Feb 4th, 2008, by Linda Jones)
    There are 5 "don'ts" in a relationship1. Betrayal of the partner Absolutely unforgivable-you have seen couples that break up because of this, even families. It is hard to forgive and forget, broken pieces stay broken, this is life.
    2. Being a private eye If you check on your partner continuously, visit unannounced... he/she will get tired of the relationship. Everybody wants freedom, a private space, friends... Love means trust and respect, it is not funny on scrutiny all the time, do not act as a detective, act as a lover. 3. Lack of emotional support and attention In a relationship mutual support and attention are essential. We are humans and we crave for being with our loved one, for better and for worse... when it doesn’t happen we feel lonely and rejected. If you have such a problem, deal with it, do not avoid it. Stay close to one another.
    4. Too many fights Let’s face it, in every relationship there are fights. Believe it or not, specialists say they clarify things, but do not dramatize, or raise your voice or offend. Things clarify themselves if you have patience. In a relationship, when it comes to fights silence is golden and too many of them ruin what you both have built with love and care.
    5. Boredom and lack of spontaneity Do not let boredom to step in, be creative and spontaneous. Think of common hobbies, activities that make both of you happy.

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