Looking for Love ?
"I just couldn't help it! I fell in love and I just stayed too long. I knew s/he wasn't the one... we had so many problems! But I just couldn't help it!"
This statement leads me to believe that when it comes to love, too many of us listen with our hearts rather than our heads. Think about it.
But when it comes to choosing a mate, too many of us repeatedly make the wrong choices by settling for any person that comes along and shows the slightest interest. Approach your next committed relationship with a clearer idea of who is right and who is just for right now by utilizing a few of these tips!
Sexual compatibility is not just a matter of technique, because that is something that the two of you can learn as you grow together. Instead, you and your partner need to be truly attracted to one another and demonstrate this attraction with touches, caresses, kisses and creative lovemaking.
Does your guy handle anger reasonably and appropriately, or does he take it out on you? Does she accept responsibility for negative outcomes, or does she usually blame someone else? Domineering, aggressive or critically sarcastic people are destructive to a loving union.
Immaturity and low self-esteem also spell trouble. Emotionally immaturity is usually demonstrated in jealous behavior, a noted lack of trust, and a need for constant reassurance. An overly dependent whiner makes a mature relationship impossible to achieve.
A mate that finds it difficult or impossible to compromise will be challenged by the adjustments and negotiations required to maintain a successful long-term partnership. If you have doubts about the relationship, don't fool yourself into ignoring your uncertainties and believing that your partner will magically change "later after we're married."
If you find yourself hoping that he or she will be less moody, less extravagant, less angry, less violently jealous, more affectionate, more attentive, more sexual - you are running a considerable risk by ignoring these feelings. If the potential for change and a willingness to freely adjust to change is important to you, look for a flexible partner BEFORE you commit yourself to the relationship, not after.See....
This statement leads me to believe that when it comes to love, too many of us listen with our hearts rather than our heads. Think about it.
But when it comes to choosing a mate, too many of us repeatedly make the wrong choices by settling for any person that comes along and shows the slightest interest. Approach your next committed relationship with a clearer idea of who is right and who is just for right now by utilizing a few of these tips!
- Hold Off On Commitment.
- Thinking about a commitment in this situation made absolutely no sense. Dating seriously and seeing each other at least twice a week for 6-9 months might work. But if you argue and fight all the time, WATCH OUT! Breakup to makeup could be establishing a pattern that is likely to continue once you are serious or married.
- Alternatively, if you DO have a serious committed relationship but have postponed taking it to the next level for years, you need to closely examine your motives for stalling. Are you hanging onto your independence due to fear?
- Look For The Similarities.
- Sexual and Emotional Compatibility Counts.
Sexual compatibility is not just a matter of technique, because that is something that the two of you can learn as you grow together. Instead, you and your partner need to be truly attracted to one another and demonstrate this attraction with touches, caresses, kisses and creative lovemaking.
- Emotional Maturity Counts Even More!
Does your guy handle anger reasonably and appropriately, or does he take it out on you? Does she accept responsibility for negative outcomes, or does she usually blame someone else? Domineering, aggressive or critically sarcastic people are destructive to a loving union.
Immaturity and low self-esteem also spell trouble. Emotionally immaturity is usually demonstrated in jealous behavior, a noted lack of trust, and a need for constant reassurance. An overly dependent whiner makes a mature relationship impossible to achieve.
- Flexibility And Willingness To Compromise.
A mate that finds it difficult or impossible to compromise will be challenged by the adjustments and negotiations required to maintain a successful long-term partnership. If you have doubts about the relationship, don't fool yourself into ignoring your uncertainties and believing that your partner will magically change "later after we're married."
If you find yourself hoping that he or she will be less moody, less extravagant, less angry, less violently jealous, more affectionate, more attentive, more sexual - you are running a considerable risk by ignoring these feelings. If the potential for change and a willingness to freely adjust to change is important to you, look for a flexible partner BEFORE you commit yourself to the relationship, not after.See....
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