For all women
By Pascal Chiddy
Are you ready to start a family with your partner and you desire to conceive naturally without the use of drugs, artificial implantation? Then this article is a must read for you.
Apart from knowing and timing your menstrual cycle to be able to chart and predict your ovulation, which greatly increases your conception chances, there are other ways you can increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally. The first major step is to take an objective look at the lifestyle you and your partner are living. Are you indulging in acts or doing things that might hamper your getting pregnant, thus keeping you from making your dream of carrying your baby materializing. Then, it is high time you stopped those acts.
What are the obvious acts that can hinder your chances of getting pregnant naturally? They include- excessive use of alcohol, eating of junk or highly processed foods, caffeine, canned foods and more. These things contains high levels of sugar, preservatives, MSG, artificial colorings and so on. These are dangerous to the overall health of reproductive couples and can actually decrease their chances of getting pregnant.
In addition, avoid any food that has an extreme hormone unbalance effects. An example of such is soy. Desist from taking soy milk rather replace it with almond milk or hemp milk. Eat lot and lots of raw organic fruits and vegetables as they really help in detoxifying the body system and flushing out toxins. Detoxifying the body, especially the colon, helps the body system to get rid of old faeces that might be in the colons and improve nutrient absorption.
Further more, make sure you drink lots of water everyday. you should make a habit to always drink 6-8 glasses or at least 4 liters of water for those living in the tropics. Make sure you exercise your body at least 3-4 times in a week. Exercise improves your immune system against sickness, tones your skin, burns out those unwanted fats, and makes you look no only younger but also leaves you in a tiptop condition for the conception of your baby to take place.
To further increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally, always have sexual relations with your partner on positions that allow sperm movement through the vagina to get to where it is needed for fertilization to take occur. The recommended position is for the man to be behind the woman and the woman's hips supported by a pillow. Missionary position is another recommended sexual position that increases the chances of conceiving naturally. More so, it is advisable for the woman to lay back between 20-30 minutes after intercourse so as to minimize the chances of the sperm leaking out.
For all women who desire to start a family or get pregnant, endeavor to always have sexual relations with your partner if possible every day to further increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally.
Are you ready to start a family with your partner and you desire to conceive naturally without the use of drugs, artificial implantation? Then this article is a must read for you.
Apart from knowing and timing your menstrual cycle to be able to chart and predict your ovulation, which greatly increases your conception chances, there are other ways you can increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally. The first major step is to take an objective look at the lifestyle you and your partner are living. Are you indulging in acts or doing things that might hamper your getting pregnant, thus keeping you from making your dream of carrying your baby materializing. Then, it is high time you stopped those acts.
What are the obvious acts that can hinder your chances of getting pregnant naturally? They include- excessive use of alcohol, eating of junk or highly processed foods, caffeine, canned foods and more. These things contains high levels of sugar, preservatives, MSG, artificial colorings and so on. These are dangerous to the overall health of reproductive couples and can actually decrease their chances of getting pregnant.
In addition, avoid any food that has an extreme hormone unbalance effects. An example of such is soy. Desist from taking soy milk rather replace it with almond milk or hemp milk. Eat lot and lots of raw organic fruits and vegetables as they really help in detoxifying the body system and flushing out toxins. Detoxifying the body, especially the colon, helps the body system to get rid of old faeces that might be in the colons and improve nutrient absorption.
Further more, make sure you drink lots of water everyday. you should make a habit to always drink 6-8 glasses or at least 4 liters of water for those living in the tropics. Make sure you exercise your body at least 3-4 times in a week. Exercise improves your immune system against sickness, tones your skin, burns out those unwanted fats, and makes you look no only younger but also leaves you in a tiptop condition for the conception of your baby to take place.
To further increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally, always have sexual relations with your partner on positions that allow sperm movement through the vagina to get to where it is needed for fertilization to take occur. The recommended position is for the man to be behind the woman and the woman's hips supported by a pillow. Missionary position is another recommended sexual position that increases the chances of conceiving naturally. More so, it is advisable for the woman to lay back between 20-30 minutes after intercourse so as to minimize the chances of the sperm leaking out.
For all women who desire to start a family or get pregnant, endeavor to always have sexual relations with your partner if possible every day to further increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally.
In conclusion....
If you are currently trying to get pregnant with a fertility program that isn't working, then you need to click here to learn more about the successful program known as pregnancy miracle that has helped thousands of couples of conceive in as little as 2-6 months.
If you are currently trying to get pregnant with a fertility program that isn't working, then you need to click here to learn more about the successful program known as pregnancy miracle that has helped thousands of couples of conceive in as little as 2-6 months.
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