How to say "I Love You"
All someone that knows means" I Love You" ,that to difficult to say.
Experts answer what they know. The Non-Expert answers anything. To say it a hundred ways is to cheapen a pure sentiment; to place a bet with your girlfriend on your ability to do just that is to participate in a culture that has commoditized affection and thrown it into the remainder bin; and to ask someone else to come up with your hundred ways represents love at its nadir—pure romantic sloth. Why not deep-fry a bag of candy hearts and toss them on the rug for her to eat?
(1)That’s the " first suggestion".
Then there are the twee ways to say it:
Experts answer what they know. The Non-Expert answers anything. To say it a hundred ways is to cheapen a pure sentiment; to place a bet with your girlfriend on your ability to do just that is to participate in a culture that has commoditized affection and thrown it into the remainder bin; and to ask someone else to come up with your hundred ways represents love at its nadir—pure romantic sloth. Why not deep-fry a bag of candy hearts and toss them on the rug for her to eat?
(1)That’s the " first suggestion".
Then there are the twee ways to say it:
(2) with freshly cut flowers, assuming she is not a flower;
(3) with a bust made of fudge;
(4) with wee spaniels;
(5) through blinking tears;
(6) whispered to her hearing aid;
(7) inscribed into her lawn with gasoline;
(8) tattooed on your taint;
(9) while she sleeps and you stand outside the window.
Not to say :
- You told her about your well-managed herpes.
- You purchased matching fursuits so that you could renew your vows as foxes.
- You gave her back her daughter.
- You let her shoot the first deer of the season.
- You ignored her Adam’s apple.
- You cut the words into the back of a bus seat with a pocketknife.
- Scratched them into her cellphone screen.
- Spelled them out across the bottom of the bathtub in her hair, which you’d dutifully collected from the shower-drain.
- You had the bailiff pass her a note.
- In the late 19th century you cut her name into the cornfields, hoping someone would invent the airplane.
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