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David H lets it be

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  • Idol's latest castoff, David Hernandez, revealed that his first choice for Beatles' week was Let It Be, which Brooke White won after drawing from a hat. Next week, he was set to perform Yesterday, and, possibly hinting at the top 10 week's theme, shared that he had plans to sing Chaka Khan's Ain't Nobody.

    Did his stripper past have an affect on voting? He doesn't think so and blames his exit on poor song choice. Hernandez said he wasn’t worried about his past being exposed because he's not ashamed of it. "If this is the worst thing that people say about me in my career, then I think I'll be OK."

    Closest to his roommate, Chikezie, Hernandez said fellow contestants helped him cope with the scrutiny, telling him, 'Don't you get on the Internet, we're going to keep the TV off, and we're not going to worry about any of that stuff."

    His immediate plans include appearances on Ellen and The Today Show. He also hopes to score a record deal and perhaps look to Broadway. What would his album sound like? "Definitely pop and R&B influenced," with some Hernandez originals.

    The biggest lesson learned from all of this? "All is fair in love, war and entertainment.
    USA TODAY's LuzElena Avitia

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