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Making Love or want to sex ?

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  • o men, it seems that there is no difference between having sex and making love. However, there can be a great difference between them for a woman. Most women want to make love instead of having sex. Of course there are also women who merely want to have sex. However, if you are having it with your beloved one, you should be focusing on the notion of making love.

    Making love is totally different from having sex. If you are seeking for one-night-stands then you are trying to have sexual intercourses. In most cases a man will not think about their performance on the bed if he is only having one-night-stand. There is also no commitment for the man to satisfy the lady. As a matter of fact it is quite difficult for a man to satisfy a woman if it is the first time for them to have sexual intercourse.

    On the contrary, it is different for making love. There are at least some commitments. In fact, the man should also care about the feelings of his partner in this case. There are some emotional connections between the partners. There is no such connection in the case of one-night-stands. Besides, a woman may not concern the atmosphere so much when having one-night-stands. However, she will certainly want a pleasant and romantic atmosphere if she is going to make love with the man she loves.

    In fact, in most cases the best location for making love is in a romantic room. You have to make sure that no one will bother you during the period of time. If possible, both of you should try to switch off your mobiles. It will not be a pleasant experience if someone disturbs you when you are having the intimate moment with your partner. Of course sometimes both of you and your partner will want something more exciting, you may want to make love on the car or even in some outdoor location. If this is the case then go ahead!

    As you may probably know, foreplay is also extremely important. You should take enough time to have foreplay. If you are a man, you should try to explore all the different ways to arouse her. Try to kiss every inch of her skin. As a matter of fact kissing is always a great way to arouse a woman.

    Again, communication is the most important. Your lady may not verbally tell you what she wants. However, you should be able to know that from her reaction. Trying to understand her body language is a must!

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